Online in a million places

  • Tumblr: day-to-day stream of consciousness and general internet goodness.

  • Parasol Party: intermittent life updates since 2006.

  • Flickr: photography, mostly of babies and cats.

  • Instagram: phone photography! also mostly of babies and cats.

  • Twitter: one-liners for those one-line moments.

  • Pinterest: clothes, meals, art, travel ideas, etc.

  • RVANews: writings for RVANews including Richmond Proper (my old etiquette column).

  • Goodreads

  • Facebook

  • LinkedIn


Likes / Interests

reading. hiking. day trips. historical sites. picnics. optical toys. founding fathers. virginia wines. photography. church hill. oregon hill.  forgiveness. etiquette. yard games. storytelling. arachnids and felines. breakfast. archaeology. crafting. old-school Nintendo, new-school Nintendo. dressing well. making itineraries. garden mazes. holidays. tiny stuff. gadgets. gardening. cooking. the paranormal. sci-fi. rubber stamps. yoga. receiving handmade cards from friends.



  • CHAT Richmond: if you want to invest in the lives of your neighbors, this is a good way to do it. I've volunteered as a tutor here in the past.

  • The weekend guide to Richmond: this is a few years old now and in need of an update, but still a good way to experience the city if you've only got a weekend.

Yet, though I am not what I ought to be
nor what I wish to be
nor what I hope to be
I can truly say, I am not what I once was.
— John Newton